- Jul 19 Tue 2016 17:04
- Jul 19 Tue 2016 17:01
- Jun 08 Wed 2016 19:16
W124 E220 進廠大保養後煥然一新阿
- Jun 08 Wed 2016 19:11
W124 E220 進廠大保養後煥然一新阿
- Jun 03 Fri 2016 16:55
BENZ 老賓 W124 冷車一發就動,熱車靜置一陣子難發動問題–更換汽油續壓閥(油壓控制器)
2016.11.4 更換此零件是很危險的事,請要自行DIY的車友要特別注意,嚴重可能會火燒車。
- Mar 10 Thu 2016 16:32
1. 使用微軟robocopy.exe工具。
2. 流程:
先用robocopy從WINDOWS2003複製一次檔案至WINDOWS2012 => 設定好分享資料夾權限 => 再用robocopy的差異備份從WINDOWS2003複製一次檔案Windows2012(大幅縮短移轉時間) => 將Windows2012 IP與Windows2003的IP互換即可上線。
3. 在Windows2012上掛載Windows2003 D$為Z槽,CMD模式下輸入指令:
robocopy Z:\ D:\ /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /XD "System Volume Information" /XD "TEMP"
- Feb 27 Sat 2016 16:34
Windows 2012 Server 更新UID方式
以前XP用GHOST複製電腦時,如果在網域的環境下需執行微軟 NewUID程式來更新XP的UID,以達成讓UID唯一性,在網域環境才不會出問題。
Window 2012 Server要更新UID已內建程式可執行。
- Mar 01 Tue 2011 14:39
Mailscanner取回隔離區的信-Releasing mail from the quarantine
Releasing mail from the quarantine - queue files
For the purposes of this, I’m assuming you have set up a single (safe!) postfix instance, with messages going to the HOLD queue, before being processed by MailScanner and sent to the INCOMING queue. You also need to be saving whole messages as queue files.
In MailScanner.conf ensure that you have
# When you quarantine an entire message, do you want to store it as # raw mail queue files (so you can easily send them onto users) or # as human-readable files (header then body in 1 file)? Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = yes
Quarantined emails are by default kept in /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine and sorted into subdirectories by date. With any luck it will be dead easy to find, as MailScanner will have sent a message including text along the lines of either:
A: If it’s a quarantined virus, or other dangerous content.
“Note to Help Desk: Look on the <Your text> in /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20050309 (message 6BC5E368497.3C3A6).”
MailScanner keeps such quarantined emails in their own directories, thus the directory containing the quarantined message will be (in this example): /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20050309/6BC5E368497.3C3A6. In this directory, you should see the original queue file, named as a 10 digit hex number matching the name of the directory. There should also be copies of any attachments that may have been picked up by the virus scanning engine or file filtering.
- Dec 16 Thu 2010 14:17
- Dec 09 Thu 2010 18:24
DELPHI 7 使用ADO元件寫入資料庫強制四捨五入小數到第四位問題
DELPHI 7 使用ADO元件寫入資料庫強制四捨五入小數到第四位問題
parameters.parambyname('tmpprice').datatype:=ftFloat; <==寫入資料前先將欄位設定成 Float 型態即可解決此問題。
- var
- adoquery1:Tadoquery;
- begin
- adoquery1:=Tadoquery.create(nil);
- try
- if not DM.adonconnection1.connected then
- DM.adoconnection1.connected:=true;
- adoquery1.connection:=DM.adoconnection1;
- adoquery1.enableBCD:=False; //禁用bcd类型
- with adoquery1 do
- begin
- close;
- sql.clear;
- sql.add('insert into materialInfo values(:tmppno,:tmpvendor,:tmpdesc,:tmpprice)');
- parameters.parambyname('tmppno').value:=trim(edit1.text);
- parameters.parambyname('tmpvendor').value:=trim(edit2.text);
- parameters.parambyname('tmpdesc').value:=trim(edit3.text);
- parameters.parambyname('tmpprice').datatype:=ftFloat; //设置下数据类型
- parameters.parambyname('tmpprice').value:=trim(edit4.text);
- execsql;
- end;
- finally
- adoquery1.free;
- end;
- end;